What is 10 hours of work a week worth?
21 July 2021
In my book I talk about getting back 10 hours per week – but what is that worth? There are a number of ways to look at this
  1. If you charge your time out to clients then we can use that rate, say $150 per hour x 10 hours = $1,500 per week. Extrapolating this over a year means that you have got back $78,000 – and that is a lot of money.

  2. What are the opportunities that you are missing out on? If you are the centre of your business working 50,60 or 70+ hours a week then you will not be doing the things that will move your business forward, and your business will be stalled. In our experience this is usually about $500,000 to $1million per year. By removing yourself from the centre of your business you are quickly able to double your business. At an average of 10% net profit this is between $50,000 and $100,000 a year – a lot of money.

  3. What are you missing out on? In the song “Cats in the Cradle” by Harry Chapin and re released by Ugly Kid Jo a father talks about not having time to spend time with his son. When he retires and has time his son does not have any time for the father. How much is it worth to miss out on a relationship with your children – priceless – there is no value you can put on spending 10 hours a week with your children

  4. What could it cost you? I have seen it too often, a business owner, let’s call him Drew, works super hard in his business, he sacrifices time with his wife and family to build a business to support his family. He is doing it for the right reason – to support his family, but it’s not what they really want. In the end his wife leaves him and he looses half of everything he has – which could by hundreds of thousands or over a million dollars. Plus, the loss of a planned future life – which is priceless.

So why do I post this? I have a new intake to our coaching program that will guarantee to get you back 10 hours a week in the next 60 days so you can spend more time working on your business, looking after yourself, spending time with your family or with friends – how you spend the time is up to you.

I’m looking for 5 business owner with a team of at least 3 people who is interested in getting back 10 hours a week in the next 60 days – If this is you then email us at with the the word "time" and your contact details or click on the green button below and I will contact you with the details on this coaching program.

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You don't know if we are right for you and we don't know if we can help you without a conversation.

We use a 15 minute Discovery Session to identify what your needs are and whether our programs can meet your needs.

What you decide to do at the end of the Discovery Sesson is up to you.

If your open to talking then book a Discovery Session now.


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