Want to move from stressed and busy to relaxed and effective?
14 July 2021
Most of us are really busy. We're really stressed so we're working longer. We've got this kind of nervous energy about us and our team feel that stress and it stresses them. Being busy and stressed is not something to be proud of, it is damaging your health, and the health and happiness of your team.

Occasionally you see the alternative. You meet another business owner who seems to be relaxed, but still manages to get everything that they need to get done. And you're thinking - how are they doing this? How it must be different in their industry – but it’s not, they just approach work differently. And you can too.

The first thing to being less busy and more relaxed is to be really clear on your goals. I’m sure your thinking, yeah sure, that will make a difference. I want a Porsche, 10 bedroom mansion and 10 million dollars in the bank – see no change, stupid idea. But that’s not what I mean by goals. I mean being super clear on how you want to spend your time. Do you want to spend all your time working or only 40 hours a week? Do you want to spend dinner each night with your family? These are the goals I’m talking about, real goals, nothing to unrealistic, or “pie in the sky” (that’s for another book).

Once we are clear on our goals, we can then look at establishing boundaries, such as finishing by 5pm or not working past 12 noon on a Saturday. These boundaries are unique to you, your business and what stage your business is at. There are no wrong or right boundaries, only what is right for you
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