Teamwork = Profit
A quick review of the internet finds some of these alarming statistics
  • 14% of the workforce is Engaged (that’s 76% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged)
  • The cost of a disengaged employee is 34% of their annual salary
  • Engaged employees are 17% more productive than their peers.
  • Highly engaged organizations see an average of 20% higher sales than their disengaged counterparts
  • Highly engaged organizations have 21% higher profitability than their peers.
  • Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work
  • 69% of employees say they’d work harder if they were better appreciated
  • Highly engaged workplaces saw 41% lower absenteeism.
  • Good Company Culture Increases Revenue by 4X

I don’t know about you but these stats are scary.

If you’re in a competitive industry with low profit margins (below 10% after paying yourself) then having a disengaged workforce is likely to eliminate most of that profit – or the other way to think about it is if you had a more engaged workforce then you could double your profit.

Doubling my profit without spending any money or increasing sales sounds awesome – so why don’t most business owners give it more focus? The main reason is time.

When a business is small, the owner and a couple of people, the owner can generate a good team culture as they are spending time with everyone. But as they move past a couple of employees they have less and less time to interact with the growing team – and the result is team work is left up to chance – and chance is not a great business strategy.

If you think that your team could be more engaged then we can help you, we have a training resource on building winning teams and our Test Drive Program (free for September) is about gaining back time in your week which would allow you to work on building a better team culture.
Interested? Book a discovery call to find out more.
23rd September 2021
Want to find out if our progams are right for you?

You don't know if we are right for you and we don't know if we can help you without a conversation.

We use a 15 minute Discovery Session to identify what your needs are and whether our programs can meet your needs.

What you decide to do at the end of the Discovery Sesson is up to you.

If your open to talking then book a Discovery Session now.


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