Design your life
Don't just let life happen
“That's it Drew! I've had enough! This just isn't working for me. I'm leaving!” This is what Drew heard from his wife, when he came home from work late on Saturday evening. It's been a long day, it's been a 14 hour day slaving away in his business, and he comes home to be told by his wife, that she's leaving.

Drew has a business, and Drew is serious and passionate about his business. Drew believes that his role as the husband, and as a father, is to provide for his family. To provide for his family, means that his business has to be successful. So, when it gets busy, he gets up earlier, he stays back later. When he needs to he might do a few hours work in the evening or maybe on a Saturday or Sunday. But the thing is, work is always busy, there is always more work than he can get done. Drew, always starts early, he always works back, he always does work in the evening. He works every Saturday and most Sundays!

Yet, despite all his hard work, his business continues to struggle along, he makes an OK wage that supports his family but his hourly rate is terrible.
He doesn't spend time with his wife. He doesn't get to spend quality time with his children, he doesn't get to go to their sports, he doesn't get to participate in their schooling. He's providing for his family, but there is a large part of their life that he's missing out on. And the result is his wife has had enough and has decided to leave.

This might seem a bit dramatic, but I have seen it happen and it is devastating for everyone involved. My goal with this book is to make sure that there are less Drews and more Andrews.

Compare this with Andrew. Andrew has a business that he's passionate about. But he knows that, for a fulfilled life he needs more than just a successful business. He needs to be looking after himself, he needs to be healthy. He needs to be with his family, he needs to have a good relationship with his partner, he needs to have a connected relationship with his kids showing them a good role model of a man working in this modern world. He knows that he needs to participate in his community, he needs to see friends, and spend time with them and spend time supporting them and their families.

He knows that work is there to provide him support for these other parts of his life. So, Andrew works hard, he has a successful business, but he also has in place some boundaries around where he spends his time. So, he plays golf on a Monday afternoon, and he works at home on a Friday. And sometimes that working from home on Friday means he takes a long weekend, with his family. He never works on the weekend. He never works during dinner time. He makes sure that he spends time with the people and activities that are important in his life.

The difference between Drew and Andrew is all about the goals that they had; Andrew had thought about his life goals while Drew had not. Most of us go through life like Drew, dealing with what’s in front of us rather than thinking about what we want our lives to look like.

What goals do you have about how your life should look like?
11th August 2021
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