Are you a small business owner or an entrepreneur?
Is there a difference?
27 July 2021
I am an Entrepreneur! I was a small business owner, I was a shareholder/associate, I was a manager and I did have a job.

So what do each of these mean? Let’s look at the progression from having a job to becoming an entrepreneur. (also shown in the image)
  • A Job – almost all of us start with a job, where we work for someone else. For those that progress to having a business of their own this is where we learn our trade.
  • A Manager or Supervisor – over time we get better at our job, we then get promoted to look after other people doing the job we were doing.  
  • A shareholder or associate – As you move up in management responsibility you can get offered shareholdings or a role as an associate (common in careers like Lawyers, Accountants’ Engineers etc). As Michael Gerber from the E-mthy explains it’s at this point that we often have an entrepreneurial seizure, where we decide that we could run this business better than the boss, so we do, we start our own business.
  • A Small Business Owner – this is where you do the work the business does and you manage the business. And here is where most of us get stuck, we are good at the job, we are good at managing, but we are not good at running the business. Why? Because we don’t know how to. As our business grows we end up working harder and longer for less reward than we had a job.
  • An Entrepreneur – this is when we become the builder of businesses, we spend most of our time working on the business, innovating, systemizing and building. 

At each level we have a mentor or coach to help us develop.
  • When we have a job we have a manager
  • When we become a manager we have a senior manager or business owner
  • As a senior manager with shares or an associate we have the main business owner
  • As a small business owner we often have no one, which is why we often get stuck here, we need a coach or mentor to guide us from being a business owner into an entrepreneur. 

Who is your coach or mentor? If you don’t know then book a discovery call and we can help you find one, it might be us, or it might be someone else in our network.

Don’t continue to struggle as a small business owner!

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We use a 15 minute Discovery Session to identify what your needs are and whether our programs can meet your needs.

What you decide to do at the end of the Discovery Sesson is up to you.

If your open to talking then book a Discovery Session now.


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