Time Freedom
How to work 10 hours a week less in just 60 days
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Are you a slave to your business?

Are you working 50, 60, 70 or more hours a week?
I’m guessing that’s not what you planned when you first became a business-owner.  You probably had big dreams about the benefits of being your own boss, like having more time and more money.

But like myself, you probably discovered that this is not your reality.

The “TWO Hour Work Day” vision is to changing your business so that you are redundant from daily operations. It will enable you to focus on the areas that you're interested in while maintaining control over your business in just two hours each day.

This book focusses on the first step, getting TIME FREEDOM by focusing on:
  • Your ACTIVITIES – move you from being busy and stressed to being relaxed and effective
  • Your FOCUS – move from being reactive to be pro-active
  • Your TEAM – move them from having to be micro managed to being independent and productive

I guarantee that if you apply the strategies and tactics in this book over the next 60 days you will be working 10 hours a week less!

Alan Short
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About the author
Alan evolved his own business from one where he was central to every key decision … into a business where decisions could be made without him.

Ultimately, he gained “time freedom: - the ability to choose to spend his time doing the things he wants to.

One of these things is helping other business owners to discover how to free themselves from the daily grind of business management.

As a business coach, he is keen to share with other business owners the strategies he has leaned along the way.
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