Customer Service Tip
Under Promise and Over Deliver
Have you ever told a customer that a product will be delivered on Friday and got it to them on Wednesday? What was their reaction? Usually, a positive one even if they were originally unhappy to have to wait until Friday for the product.

This is Under Promising and Over Delivering

Have you ever told a customer that a product will be available Tuesday and delivered it Wednesday? What was their reaction? Usually, disappointed even if they were ecstatic about being able to get the product on Tuesday compared to Friday that your competitor offered them
This is Over Promising and Under Delivering

The business that Over Promised is going to struggle to get the customer to purchase again, while the business that Under Promised will find it easy even though the product was delivered on the same day, why? Because the expectations were set and then exceeded leaving the customer feeling happy and comfortable that the first business will follow through with their commitments.

A real life example

I am building a new office and workshop at home. I went to a number of builders to get a price, many started and said, we can’t get your project done for 6 months. While one builder said they could get it done within 3 months. I was excited! So, I gave them approval and then due to days lost from bad weather they had to move my job, out by 9 months!

As you can expect I was devastated, I had wasted months committed to one builder who let me down, and even though logically I can understand the decision emotionally I could never give them work again.

So, what should you do?

Commit to making it a value for your business to Under Promise and Over Deliver.
I do this by adding a few days onto what I instinctively want to offer.

If delivery is weeks or months away then I add an extra week or month to my delivery date.
I also commit to delivering within this time frame.

The result is customers love the service we provide and we have done nothing different, just Under Promised and Over Delivered.
19th October 2021
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