Your Avatar
Who Do You Sell To?
Who do you sell to?

When I ask this of my clients I hear the same response almost every time – we sell to everyone … but do you really sell to everyone?

While you might be happy to sell to everyone on reflection you will find that as you grow your business you start to focus in on one particular type of customers. This is usually the type of customer that you enjoy working with and makes you the most money.

Sometimes its easier to think about the opposite – you know the customers you don’t want to work with you because they are annoying, difficult to work with and “not worth the money”
Does any of this sound familiar?

If it does then the best thing you can do is define this perfect customer – we call this your Avatar.

(And yes, you can have more than one Avatar.)

So how do you define an Avatar? They are defined using 
  1. Demographics – known things about them like age, where they live etc. and
  2. Psychographics – how they feel about things like their favourite sport, colour, level of preferred quality etc.

If you define them well enough then you can use them as the focus of all of your marketing and sales – and then suddenly you find more of them.

Pro Tip – give them a name, in my Fire Protection Business they are Anna. Whenever we think of a new innovation we ask ourselves “would Anna like this?” If yes then we implement, if no then we don’t.

For Global Business Coaching our ideal client is
  • Has a team of between 3 and 15 people
  • Still central to everything that happens in their business. They are still an operator, they often do the work that the business does.
  • Works 50,60 or 70+ hours a week
  • They have a service business

Does this sound like you? Or do you want help defining your avatar then book a discovery call using the link bellow and we can start a conversation.
22nd October 2021
Want to find out if our progams are right for you?

You don't know if we are right for you and we don't know if we can help you without a conversation.

We use a 15 minute Discovery Session to identify what your needs are and whether our programs can meet your needs.

What you decide to do at the end of the Discovery Sesson is up to you.

If your open to talking then book a Discovery Session now.


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